CodeIgniter framework provides many built-in libraries and helpers which helps to integrate registration and login functionality with MySQL database. The function auth() to perform authentication and set the session variable if the authentication is valid. Registration is working fine, but I can’t login, because of session problem. Any help? The discussion this time is how to create a Login and Register using CodeIgniter 4. After this, you will be redirect to login page for a new login. In First step we will download fresh version of Codeigniter 3, so if you haven't download yet then download from here: Download Codeigniter 3. please solve my problem waiting . hello sir, this is muthuvel .I want codeigniter login form code with registration and forget password program.please send me..i wait for your response.. thank you, because there is no data stored to db, check your view and controller. In this case, we are only using the function before(). When you enters username and password, the values are travelled to  user_login_process() function in controller where the validation for each field is checked. Notice: This tutorial is dated. When browser get the above url it will display a login page. Example code to implement user login system with Facebook using PHP SDK v5.x and store the user profile data into the MySQL database. I will give you detailed information about all the method as we move further in this tutorial. I am new to PHP. Can you please tell what is the url to view registration page and which should be the default controller? If the user is a manager, then the user is directed to the manager dashboard/portal/interface.In this example, we have users table which is used in authentication. then turn ( $config[‘encryption_key’] = ”; ) into ( $config[‘encryption_key’] = ‘mykey’; ) . Great post however , I was wanting to know if you could write a litte more on this subject? Hi, Guys. Convert Query to Json & Insert Into Database, Resolve “MySQL Too Many Connection Errors”, CodeIgniter GET And POST Form Input Method, http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/user_login_process, http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/admin, http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/user_login_show. This will show login form on the view page. i get validation messege “Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name Username. Sir, you must open the config file. Firstly, set base URL in config.php  file of CodeIgniter as given below:-. Why store the password in de session? To create a table "users", it can be done by executing the following SQL command: The SQL command above, will create a table with the name "users" with fields: user_id, user_name, user_email, user_password, and user_created_at. lets see the step by step process to … Here page is not redirect corectly can u please solve that issue bcz at that view condition admin page did not work correct and and also in url shown like that (http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/user_login_process) instead of (http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/admin). Create a new database on MySQL, you can use tools like SQLyog, PHPMyAdmin or similar tools. ‘session’); —- if ($result != false) { $session_data = array( ‘username’ => $result[0]->user_name, ’email’ => $result[0]->user_email // in Your code there is extra comma ); // Add user data in session $this->session->set_userdata(‘logged_in’, $session_data); // debugger give me error information about session in this line. After downloading, extract the file in the folder of your server. Then, you can test whether you have successfully installed codeigniter by typing your app name in your browser. Find the env file in the project root, then rename it to .env and open the file. display user name and profile picture after login codeigniter Please help me . Please download the CodeIgniter 4 file at the following link: If you are using WAMPSERVER, extract it in the folder: If you are using XAMPP, extract it in the folder: Then, open the project "login" folder using the code editor. The example code will demonstrate how to build REST API and handle the user authentication (login and registration) with CodeIgniter. * RewriteRule ^(. If you have other pages that you want to protect, just add them in the route and add the "auth" filter, so that these pages cannot be accessed before logging in without having to create a Filter file again. So, we don't apply it globally, because we want the “Login.php” and “Register.php” controllers to be accessible without logging in. In order to use the Session class you are required to set an encryption key in your config file. This page contains a login section and a signup link. You can share your views in the space provided below and get in touch with us. You must change in the file user_authentication.php [line 46] user_password’ => md5($this->input->post(‘password’)), ‘password’ => md5($this->input->post(‘password’)), Hi! Do let us know. and that thing is happen when we click on ligin button please check this on local server clear us, thanks sir for the lesson, keep posting . Setting up validation to all input field. we will use toastr for display alert with good layout. (xss_clean)” etc.. If given username is already available in database, a ‘username already exits ! This feature is very useful for handling checking or validating every request or few requests that are written with the same code. After successful login you can pass the username to a session and pass this session value to the label text.Refer the below code; if login is successful add the following codein your logic Session[" username"]= txtusername.Text; And in the master page page load event. If invalid username  or password will be given then a error message will be displayed. // in Your code load session library = does not work in Codeigniter 3.0.3. Your email address will not be published. What you want to know in the script. On the Controller "Dashboard.php" there is only one function, namely the function index() which functions to display the text "Welcome Back [login username]". If the registration is successful, it will immediately be directed to the login form as follows: Enter the previously registered Email and Password, then click the "Login" button to login. Creating sessions in CodeIgniter is different from simple PHP. Now let’s have a look at the whole procedure of SignIn. how to make it function? In codigniter you can create profile page after login. SO Go to routes.php after you insert all the files as per the instruction above,then you have to just add the below line at the end of route: $route[‘default_controller’] = ‘user_authentication’; Then go to config and find encryption key just add this line: $config[‘encryption_key’] = ‘MAmYvOixfIC0t6PRWPm6cFEDBuJBcOcL’; Thanks! Sir, When we use this code . Then display that using codeigniter libraries. It even reads the current page it should display from the current URL via a page=X query variable. Before start coding, let’s load all the libraries required to make and manage login form. The user registration form to provide the account information. In this tutorial, only one model file is needed, namely "UserModel.php". If the login is successful, it will immediately be directed to the dashboard page as follows: To logout, please access the following URL: After logging out, please access the dashboard page to confirm whether the dashboard page can be accessed without logging in. Controller: user_authentication.php. But, if match found in database then session will be created and user data will be inserted into session data. On Login, if user has entered correct credentials matching to database then he will be directed to data.php page. In the "Auth.php" filter above, we redirect users to the login page if they access a page before logging in. Here I created a table with the name "users". Hi diego, do you need code? When all input given are valid then user_login_process()  function matches the  given username and  password with data stored in database. Before start coding, let’s load all the libraries required to make … May. First we will create a login page where the user will provide their respective credentials, username and password. (xss_clean) pls help me, $autoload[‘helper’] = array(‘security’); Or, before your form validation, Message: ini_set(): A session is active. VPS users have the option to run multiple CodeIgniter applications on a single domain name. We also have a paid ready-to-use advance login & registration module built on CodeIgniter that you can check out at CodeIgniter Login Registration Form. When a new user register.It check for duplicate user registration. Write the code given below in the file. But if you don’t have proper knowledge on CodeIgniter Session, don’t be upset. Create a model file named "UserModel.php" in the "app/Models" folder, then type the following code: Create a controller file named "Register.php" in the "app/Controllers" folder, then type the following code: In the "Register.php" controller above, there are two functions, namely: function index(), and function save(). In this tutorial you will learn how to create login and register using CodeIgniter 4. In JSP it is a simple task to display the Login details just you have to create a html page in which username and password is created. Then open the "Filters.php" file located in the "app/Config" folder, then find the following code: In the code above, we add one additional line of code, namely "auth". I cannot display username in Views: admin_page.php. Bless you! In this CodeIgniter 4 pagination with Bootstrap 4 table example, we will create a table and display list of users with pagination in codeigniter 4 projects Step 1: Download Codeigniter Project Copyright © 2017-2020 by | All Right Reserved, Tutorial Login and Register Using CodeIgniter 4, Full Stack Web App Using Vue.Js, Express Js and MySQL (Complete Guide), Tutorial How to Consume APIs Using Axios and Vue.js, Tutorial How to Create RESTful API in CodeIgniter 4 (Complete Guide), CRUD CodeIgniter 4 Tutorial with Bootstrap Modal (Complete Guide), The Complete CodeIgniter 4 Tutorial For Beginners, Multiple Inserts, Update, Delete using Multiple Select in Codeigniter, Dynamic Select Options Dependent Dropdown in Codeigniter and Ajax, Create Multiple Thumbnails at once in Codeigniter [SOLVED], 5 Steps Create a RESTful API using Node.js and MySQL, CRUD Without Reload Page Using Ajax and Codeigniter [FULL TUTORIAL], How to make multi level user login using codeigniter [Complete Tutorial], How to Upload files using Codeigniter and Ajax [Complete Tutorial], How to Create a Shopping Cart Using Codeigniter and Ajax [FULL TUTORIAL], 7 Steps to Create Simple CRUD application using Node.js, Express, and MySQL, Codeigniter Autocomplete with Jquery UI [Complete Guide], CRUD Datatables Server Side Using Ignited Datatables [COMPLETE TUTORIAL], How to Upload Image in Codeigniter with Dropify Style [FULL TUTORIAL]. i did all the necessary validation part to login page. When I loaded it to my browser nothing shows. To create a database with MySQL, it can be done by executing the following query: The SQL command above will create a database with the name "login_db". For project installation, download code by giving Download URL and read PHPProjectInstall.pdf. If anyone faced 404 page error,Remember you have to add route file. Facebook Login CodeIgniter Tutorial - Integrate Facebook login in CodeIgniter using Facebook PHP SDK with Facebook Graph API. The most common redirect is based on user type. If match doesn’t found then you will be redirected to login page and an error message will be displayed. Please find the code below index.php(Containing Login details) In the login page it compare the username & password from the database, if it mach then only it redirect into other pages. I be very thankful if you could elaborate a little bit further. It will display to the visitor when a visitor registration on your website. So, in this post we are login to learn Complete user registration and login system in Codeigniter framework. I have copied each of this code y the sections of CodeIgniter and created the database and I can login and logout. The Login Form will be implemented using Forms Authentication and the Username will be displayed in Label on next Form using ASP.Net LoginName control. Select an existing project from the projects list, or click NEW PROJECT to create a new project: i follow all your instruction sir but this is what i got: Not Found. Create a Controller file again named "Login.php" in the "app/Controllers" folder, then type the following code: In the "Login.php" controller above, there are three functions, namely: function index(), function auth(), and function logout(). This file load in the admin part, once user is successfully login to admin page. User authentication is a required feature of any Web application. profile() – Retrieve the user data from session and load the profile view to display the user’s profile info. Like the user authentication in PHP, the user login system can be easily implemented in CodeIgniter with the session. 09/26/2015. logout() – Removes the user data from session and log out the user from their Google account. CodeIgniter 4 provides a filter feature that functions to handle Before Request or After Request. Thanks for reading the complete post. Step 2: Add Route In this step, we will add one routes for demo. Here I created a database with the name "login_db". After signup, you can login by giving a valid username and password. It may sound complicated, but it's really not. Note : You can also refer the  PHPProjectInstall.pdf  file given in the download code folder. Before starting, let’s have a look on what we are going to learn about. The users table has two Yes/No fields, Admin and Manager which stores Yes or No values based on the user’s permission in this application. So what are you waiting for, Let's Coding! Setup Rest Server in CodeIgniter. Thank you very much. It is important you take care how you store and check a user’s password, they should always be stored with one-way encryption. Thanks for answering! Create a view file named "register.php" in the "app/Views" folder, then type the following code: In the “register.php” view, we call Bootstrap 5 CDN, both the CSS and JavaScript. Since I'm using XAMPP as my localhost server, I've put the folder in htdocs folder of my XAMPP. That way, you will have a general idea of how to protect pages or routes from unauthorized users. The login form is the first stage of […] Codeigniter user login, register &logout system. To show the name of corresponding user who is logged in, user below code: $query=mysqli_query ($connection, ‘SELECT name FROM user_table WHERE userid=”$_SESSION [‘user’]”’; $fetch=mysqli_fetch_assoc ($connection, $query); $userNameToShow = $fetch [‘name’]; Function index() to display a view called "register", while the function save() to save data to the "users" table in the database as well as encrypt passwords with the password_hash() method. i got error “Call to a member function select() on null”. Apart from the “Register.php” and “Login.php” Controllers, create another Controller file called "Dashboard.php" in the "app/Controllers" folder. After filling all input field when you click on submit button, all data travels to new_user_registration() function of controller. First of all it is needed to type  the given below URL in browser. In this case, we only use it to protect the "Dashboard.php" Controller. public function authenticate() {…} sets the session user data for the keys logged_in and username. In addition, there is also a login form in the form of: input email and password. Conclusion: The discussion this time is how to create a Login and Register using CodeIgniter 4. Watch the live demo or download code from the link given below. We are introducing a flow chart which will give you a clear vision about the objectives of this tutorial. There is only one redirect in the Examples.php. Now, these data are send to admin page where all information along with logout option will be displayed. toastr provide us any type of alert layout of notification. When you click on singup link, it will redirect you to ‘SignUp.php’ and display a signup form. The purpose of this Controller is to protect it so that users cannot access the Dashboard without logging in. That way, you'll have a general idea of how the Filters work in CodeIgniter 4. Thanks it works fine.. This can apply globally, in other words it applies to every request, or it can be for only a few requests. Hi, has this problem been solved? satyakresna changed the title No showing message after change password No showing message after user successful change password Dec 16, 2016 Copy link Contributor Author Now, we have updated our codes and it’s reference. Message: Call to undefined function base_url(), load url heiper in config folder autoload.php $this->load->helper(‘url’), Thank you for the code. In this case, we will protect the function index() on the “Dashboard.php” Controller from users who have not logged in using Filter. The following steps will be implemented to create REST API in CodeIgniter. 11. display user name and profile picture after login codeigniter. NOTE: We are not verifying any login details against the database. Hi sir, I did your tutorial I followed all of steps now last step is save css where I can save css files in codeigniter. #This snippet prevents user access to the application folder #Submitted by: Fabdrol #Rename 'application' to your applications folder name. Can u post the modified code here for this question, as i am facing same issue.. in config.php. Now, we have updated our codes and it’s reference. $this->load->library(‘session’); // I test this also, but no result in ‘autoload.php’ $autoload[‘libraries’] = array(‘database’. How to Display Username After Login in JSP. If your data is empty or invalid then it will generate an error message but, if all input field get proper data then it will connect you to database. I the Sign Up Process you write the following: I have the perfectly-working code.any one needs, email me.Id:[email protected]. In this tutorial, we are going to learn about creating a simple login form in CodeIgniter. The redirected page should display the username. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^application. Below are the details of the code used in this tutorial with proper explanation. What could be the possible reason? In this tutorial, I will be using a manual installation. When you will click on logout then logout() function will be called and where session data will be destroyed. Anyone can help? Now create a database name ‘login‘ with a table ‘user_login‘ using the code given below. This tutorial I will help you how to display success message after successful form submission. hello sir i m new in codeigniter when i submit new_user_registration form then error occur: Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name Email. In this codeiniter user login and registration system, we will create two forms to show a login and registration. We would love to share with you how to create register, login and logout system in codeigniter. To install CodeIgniter 4, you can do it in 2 ways: manual installation and installation via composer. Luckily, Ben Edmunds has developed a great third party authentication system for codeigniter called ion auth which is about as close to plug and play as it gets. The requested URL /login/index.php/user_authentication/user_login_show was not found on this server. i already load model. Check for existing users in database during signup process. CodeIgniter Simple Login Form With Sessions, If you want to create a CodeIgniter login module with sessions than you can go through this tutorial post that will help you to make your simple The following functionality will be implemented in the example CodeIgniter Login System script. sir i have a problem in storing data in database. I have tried to troubeshoot and going line by line but I don’t see reason. (xss_clean), Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name Password.(xss_clean)”. Next, make a connection between the database and the CodeIgniter project. mail me: [email protected]. my log out does not function, it display a blank page, then i try it again, it still the current user name login. an error was encoded.. It is in the logout function. Design for login, admin and registration page. So, let’s start coding with controller. We have named our CodeIgniter folder as login_db. login_model.php; In the first page, you'll have the option for Login and Sign In. public function login() {…} loads the login view located in sessions directory. Why store the password uncrypted in de database? Display Flash Message in Codeigniter. If redirected back to the login page, then we have successfully protected the dashboard page from unauthorized users. it works. Some thoughts. In this tutorial, I use "Visual Studio Code", you can use Sublime Text, PHP Storm, or any other code editor. Create API method to handle user login via POST request. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. In this article we use JavaScript for validation. I test Your nice code in new Codeigniter 3.0.3 ( Everything else is working, but Session in this ‘User_authentication.php‘ is not working. Read our blog Session In CodeIgniter, CodeIgniter Simple Login Form With Sessions and easily got the concept of CodeIgniter Sessions. I’ve got exactly the same problem… Did you solved it? That means you enter development mode, this mode will help you make it easier to track errors as you build your project. i can’t login or register, every i login or register i have messege from validation “Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name Username. In my application if i login first time it behave normal but after second time login i can't logout it redirects me to my previous page I have used it but when I type http://localhost/login/ but I’m getting the following error message, The page you requested was not found. The function logout() to logout and destroy session variables. You simply need to get the username and profile picture and store in codeigniter session. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained an with example, how to display Welcome Username in Label on next Form after Login in ASP.Net using C# and VB.Net. Login.aspx Keep reading our other blog posts.. for getting more coding tricks. Sir i want to ask you that: When we use this server at xampp and call view user_login_process => $this->load->view(‘admin_page’, $data); Here page is not redirect corectly can u please solve that issue bcz at that view condition admin page did not work correct and and also in url shown like that (http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/user_login_process) instead of (http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/admin). Before inserting data to database, it first check for username in database. Loads the login view for the non-authenticated user. thanks for sharing the code for login page.. i follow your coding method and successfully login. could you help me? If you create a database with the same name that's even better. Create a file name ‘user_authentication.php‘ in ‘application/controllers’ folder of CodeIgniter. TAGs: ASP.Net Read more about Password Hashing. toastr is open source and easy to use. Table Creation Now let's move to the code. If a user is not logged in then the user is redirected to the login page with a flash message. Create a filter file named "Auth.php" in the "app/Filters" folder, then type the following code: In the "Auth.php" filter above, there are 2 functions, namely: function before() and function after(). The before function, serves to validate the request before the request itself is executed. hi, sir validation message is wrong mobile no and date of birth . So let's start the make example from scratch. To create a login form using remember me checkbox, it is required to have proper knowledge about CodeIgniter Session. i got this error. i want to ask you that: When we use this server at xampp and call view user_login_process => $this->load->view(‘admin_page’, $data); Here page is not redirect corectly can u please solve that issue bcz at that view condition admin page did not work correct and and also in url shown like that (http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/user_login_process) instead of (http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/admin). But if he has entered wrong information then incorrect username/password message will appear. Next, create a table in the "login db" database. Visit the following URL for more info on Bootstrap 5: In addition, there is also a form to register in the form of: input name, email, password, and Confirm password. Check for username and password in database and show their  information stored in database. You cannot change the session module’s ini settings at this time, File: D:\xam\htdocs\login\application\controllers\user_authentication.php Line: 18 Function: library, File: D:\xam\htdocs\login\index.php Line: 292 Function: require_once, ————————————————————————– A PHP Error was encountered, Message: A session had already been started – ignoring session_start(). Not only that, you have also learned how to set session variables using CodeIgniter 4, encrypt passwords, and protect routes using Filters. To ensure whether the application that is built runs well, test it by typing the following command in the Terminal or Command Prompt: Next, visit the following URL to register a new user: If it goes well, a Sign Up form will appear as follows: Then enter your Name, Email, Password, and Confirm Password, then click the "Register" button to register. Create login page, signup page and admin page. ‘ message will be displayed but if username is not available in database then it will insert all the information in the database and display a ‘SignUp Successfullly !’ message. First we need to load session and validation libraries in controller file. this tutorial so you can check each alert with demo. Create session for admin panel, store users input data in session and destroy session(logout). You will learn in this tutorial how to authenticate users by it’s credential. After successful login the control moves to the details page where all the information of that user is displayed. It works! followed your codes, but i get a blank page after running: http://localhost/login/index.php/user_authentication/user_login_show. Linkedin login or signup script is for easy way login in your website instead of login process registration. this linkedin login script is very simple, in this linkedin login script they are providing email aslo to check exsiting users in mysql database. kuch to kam hai daya. In order to do so, we need to configure virtual hosts and change CodeIgniter configurations. Based on user authentication user can access the system by providing their user authentication details. Next, open the "Routes.php" file located in the "app/Config" folder, then find the following code: In the code above, we add one route which is the dashboard which is protected by the previously created "auth" filter. Redirect to login page.. i follow your coding method and successfully login to admin page views! Submit button, all data travels to new_user_registration ( ) – Removes the user is successfully login to about. The env file in the `` login '' which will display to the login page a! 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