Even in that situation, the individual may find herself swayed by others’ arguments, or may have ideas of her own. In the current scenario, group discussion has become an important selection criteria for the students aspiring to get into a good B School and all leading organizations have started depending on this process for the recruitment of new employees. In the latter case, you may have the chance to choose a space and otherwise structure the situation. A politician convenes a “town hall meeting” of constituents to brainstorm ideas for the economic development of the region. If you are looking for what if questions, icebreaker questions for small groups, group questions, funny conversation topics, and more. Section 4. Who will take notes, record important points, questions for further discussion, areas of agreement or disagreement? 1. To be well-organized, know what is going to be said (by you or someone in the discussion group), and in what order. If minutes are required for your discussion, it is your responsibility as the leader to ensure they are recorded. Resist slides. It may not have a specific goal – many group discussions are just that: a group kicking around ideas on a particular topic. Preparing to Lead a Group Discussion 1. There is no clear-cut answer, although if they pass unchallenged, it may appear you condone the attitude expressed. Don’t ask people to do something, and then ignore it. Directive leaders can be necessary in some situations. A good group discussion leader has to pay attention to the process and content of the discussion as well as to the people who make up the group. When the discussion is flowing, it is tempting to ignore the clock and let it flow. Spotlight Effect: How Aware of You is Your Audience? Then she has to guide the discussion, being careful to promote an open process; involve everyone and let no one dominate; attend to the personal issues and needs of individual group members when they affect the group; summarize or clarify when appropriate; ask questions to keep the discussion moving, and put aside her own agenda, ego, and biases. It’s much closer to acting as a facilitator, but not exactly the same as that either. She may have agreed to sponsor particular ideas that are important to her group, but she may still have her own opinions as well, especially in other areas. Group discussion can be organized in a number of different ways. Especially if most people in the group don’t know one another, it’s your job as leader to establish a comfortable atmosphere and set the tone for the discussion. They are helpful for adding meaning and understanding to existing knowledge, or getting at the “why” and “how” of a topic. (Occasionally, you may kick start a discussion with a few slides to set context, but don’t overuse them. They see, hear and communicate with each other orally by paying attention to each other. Find the common ground which binds together diverse opinions and share these connections. Still, there are a set of best practices which will lead you to success more often than not. She has to prepare the space and the setting to the extent possible; help the group establish ground rules that will keep it moving civilly and comfortably; provide whatever materials are necessary; familiarize herself with the topic; and make sure that any pre-discussion readings or assignments get to participants in plenty of time. Image credit: Group discussion by Shelley Mannion (CC BY-NC 2.0). This free resource will help you to be an effective discussion group leader and also gives some good tips on how to deal with some tricky situations you may face as you lead a group. In less formal circumstances, you’ll have to make the best of existing conditions. Be genuinely interested in hearing the opinions of others, and be open to changing any preconceptions you hold. Before you or your … You can go around … Leading a discussion group is not the same as running a meeting. Usually, that means comfortable furniture that can be moved around (so that, for instance, the group can form a circle, allowing everyone to see and hear everyone else easily). It’s less formal, and may have no time constraints, or structured order, or agenda. Layout the first discussion point. Its leadership is usually less directive than that of a meeting. As the discussion heats up, emotions can run high among participants. It helps greatly if the leader comes to the task with a democratic or, especially, a collaborative style, and with an understanding of how a group functions. A common mistake made by discussion leaders is to converge too early. However, starting with a few knowledge-type questions is an excellent way … These folks may be respected for their leadership – president of the Rotary Club, spokesperson for an environmental movement – for their positions in the community – bank president, clergyman – or simply for their personal qualities – integrity, fairness, ability to communicate with all sectors of the community. Bring materials to help the discussion along. The words you choose and the non-verbal communication you exude are infectious, whether positive or negative. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. The literal definition of a group discussion is obvious: a critical conversation about a particular topic, or perhaps a range of topics, conducted in a group of a size that allows participation by all members. A good facilitator helps the group set rules for itself, makes sure that everyone participates and that no one dominates, encourages the development and expression of all ideas, including “odd” ones, and safeguards an open process, where there are no foregone conclusions and everyone’s ideas are respected. Lastly, pray that God would be honored by you as a leader. The moments when you summarize verbally are excellent opportunities to clearly document decisions you have reached. Leading an effective group discussion takes preparation (if you have the opportunity for it), an understanding of and commitment to an open process, and a willingness to let go of your ego and biases. This way, you'll go into the discussion with everyone knowing everyone else a little bit. Then we’ll examine what it takes to make an effective discussion leader or facilitator, regardless of external circumstances. Instead, help all participants understand and appreciate the perspectives being offered by others. Community activists. What to … Your ground rules – the issue of respecting everyone – should address this issue, and it probably won’t come up…but there are no guarantees. A group of two or three generally doesn’t need a leader to have a good discussion, but once the number reaches five or six, a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. Over-generalize behavior or have stereotypical expectations of participants (tokenism). Rather, bringing a group discussion to life requires a subtle framework, the right pace, smooth guidance, and an interested host. 3. The ultimate comfort, and one that breaks down barriers among people, is that of eating and drinking. It may help to complete the … If you’ve been the recorder, you might want to put the notes from the session in order, type them up, and send them to participants. Pray that nothing distracts them or keeps them from being a part of the group. Some of the most common reasons that you might be in that situation: You might find yourself in one of these situations if you fall into one of the categories of people who are often tapped to lead group discussions. The words you choose and the non-verbal communication you exude are infectious, whether positive or negative. Most of the time, however, it is wiser to stick to the schedule. Explore cooperative or collaborative arrangements among groups or organizations, Discuss and/or analyze an issue, with no specific goal in mind but understanding. Icebreaker Questions for Amazing Group Discussion. That reaction not only leaves the conflict unresolved – and therefore growing, so that it will be much stronger when it surfaces later– but fails to examine the issues that it raises. Another is to ask to hold your opinion until the end of the discussion, so as not to influence anyone’s thinking while it’s going on. Take some time and pray that God will work in the hearts and minds of your group. A good way to break the ice is to let everyone introduce themselves. “Be genuinely interested in hearing the opinions of others, and be open to changing any preconceptions you hold.”. It won’t hurt to think beforehand about how you want to handle it. Attempt to stifle negative emotions, such as anger, boredom, disappointment, disgust, indifference, hopelessness, or misery. If the question is less clear-cut, you might want to throw it back to the group, and use it as a spur to discussion. This allows you to naturally “close” one topic and move on to the next. The sign of a poor discussion leader is one who attempts to systematically convince everyone else in the room that they are always right. Support the temporary leader by being an active participant. There may be situations where it makes sense for someone else to lead the discussion for a certain topic within your overall session. We’ll begin by looking at what you might consider if you have time to prepare. This category could include anyone from “professional” community organizers to average citizens who care about an issue or have an idea they want to pursue. If left unchecked, the atmosphere may begin to feel combative. The nature of these tools make them ideal for encouraging participation: a blank canvas, easy to erase (or turn the page) and iterate. Yet another is to give your opinion after all other members of the group have stated theirs, and then discuss the similarities and differences among all the opinions and people’s reasons for holding them. First, we encourage you to pray. Ask that God would lead the discussion where he wants it to go. Slides feel permanent, and give the impression that there’s nothing left to discuss. A very common starter for discussion is to provide group members with a brief statement, reading or video and then use this material as the basis for the discussion. The Tool Box needs your help (2006). Health professionals and health educators. As a leader, to lead a group discussion, you have great influence over the mood of the room. Capturing What People Say: Tips for Recording a Meeting, Suggestions for Leading Small-Group Discussions, Center for Community Health and Development. Resist the temptation to “take sides” or pretend that you are the judge or referee. Study Circles Resource Center. Facilitators are non-directive, and try to keep themselves out of the discussion, except to ask questions or make statements that advance it. The group has a trained leader, or facilitator. The materials are broken down into "modules" and facilitation trainers can use some or all of them to suit their needs. If you expect prayer to just happen it will only barely happen. Having said that, keep it on course by being well-organized. Facilitating Political Discussions from the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts University is designed to assist experienced facilitators in training others to facilitate politically charged conversations. Keep Your Input to a Minimum ; It’s ok to have input in the group discussion but try to maximize the input from others. The notes might also include a summary of conclusions that were reached, as well as any assignments or follow-up activities that were agreed on. Don’t force conclusions or answers. 4. In short discussions (e.g. Ask them ahead of time so they have a chance to prepare. A group leader or facilitator might be directive or non-directive; that is, she might try to control what goes on to a large extent; or she might assume that the group should be in control, and that her job is to facilitate the process. to remain available. The ideal here is that other members of the group do the challenging, and it may be worth waiting long enough before you jump in to see if that’s going to happen. All Rights Reserved. Act decisively. How active you are might depend on your leadership style, but you definitely have some responsibilities here. Respected community members. If you can do these things, the chances are you can become a discussion leader that can help groups achieve the results they want. Create a strategic plan – for an initiative, an advocacy campaign, an intervention, etc. A constant question that leaders – and members – of any group have is what to do about racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks, especially in a homogeneous group where most or all of the members except the leader may agree with them. Read our permissions policy, privacy policy, or disclosure policy. How you challenge prejudice is the real question. Each time you record a shared decision, it builds momentum for the group. Still, there are a set of best practices which will lead you to success more often than not. Work from organized notes. To succeed, draw upon classic public speaking skills e.g. and reinvent the way you work. They include setting, or helping the group to set the discussion topic; fostering the open process; involving all participants; asking questions or offering ideas to advance the discussion; summarizing or clarifying important points, arguments, and ideas; and wrapping up the session. If you have the opportunity, learn as much as possible about the topic under discussion. The point is made that many good group or meeting leaders are, in fact, facilitators, whose main concern is supporting and maintaining the process of the group’s work. Sometimes individuals or factions that are trying to dominate can disrupt the process of the group. There’s much more involved than simply getting people in a room, waving a magic wand, and declaring “Discuss now!” Your role as a discussion leader is complex and requires great mental dexterity and tact. Ask God for wisdom about how to lead, what the goal of your group is, how to spend your time together and what to study. The first thing you need to think about is leadership style, which we mentioned briefly earlier in the section. The ground rules of a group discussion are the guidelines that help to keep the discussion on track, and prevent it from deteriorating into namecalling or simply argument. Be sure that your summary reflects the opinions expressed by your group; don’t skew reality to push your personal agenda. If you’re asked a direct question, you might want to answer it if it’s a question of fact and you know the answer, and if it’s relevant to the discussion. 2. How to Lead a Group Discussion The natural tendency for most people leading a discussion is to lead too strongly, almost as if they are teaching the group. Members of an environmental group attend a workshop on the effects of global warming. If the session was one-time, or was the last of a series, your job may now be done. The chances are that, like most of us, you fall somewhere in between the extremes of the leader who sets the agenda and dominates the group completely, and the leader who essentially leads not at all. Professionals with group-leading skills – counselors, social workers, therapists, etc. Flip charts, whiteboards, and sticky notes are ideal. It is important to ensure discussions are helpful, based on accurate information and likely to lead to people feeling more empowered. Plan for prayer. When opening a group discussion you always risk going off subject and ending up in the middle of tangents. Focus group discussions should be used when you need to understand an issue at a deeper level than you can access with a survey. The Community Tool Box is a service of the. Assume participants all have the same expectations when the group first convenes. Whether you are an outgoing extrovert or the shy one in the group, you can lead your book club in an engaging discussion by following these few simple steps. One organization often held discussions on the terrace of an old mill that had been turned into a bookstore and café. You have some choices about how you do that, however. How can you keep the discussion steadily flowing in a productive way at the right pace towards achieving your objectives? A community health educator facilitates a smoking cessation support group. Donate now. Pray that your group members build loving, authentic relationships. They can either answer or pass -- and no negativity is associated with … Speech Analysis: Franklin Roosevelt Pearl Harbor Address, Speech Analysis: Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain”, Audience Analysis Worksheet [Free PDF Download], Top 35 Presentation Books: Expert Ratings, Slide Charts: 20 Guidelines for Great Presentation Design, Slide Fonts: 11 Guidelines for Great Design, Book Review: Presentation Patterns (Neal Ford, Matthew McCullough, Nathaniel Schutta), Interview with Ryan Avery: 2012 World Champion of Public Speaking, Interview with Kristin Arnold, National Speakers Association President. Project on Civic Reflection provides information about leading study circles on civic reflection. Just the name \"lightning round\" suggests energy. All too often, conflict – whether conflicting opinions, conflicting world views, or conflicting personalities – is so frightening to people that they do their best to ignore it or gloss it over. In order to lead a meaningful discussion, you should strike a balance between confidence about what you know and a willingness to learn more. Discussion groups are an important part of an effective youth ministry program, camp or retreat. If there are new members, make sure they are introduced. There is one last and extremely important step-pray. When I pray for my group, I like to picture the … Remind the group when it's time for the discussion to start. All of these might be examples of group discussions, although they have different purposes, take place in different locations, and probably run in different ways. There may actually be no need for one, in that the goal may simply be to discuss an issue or idea. A discussion group, however, is not typically made up of students, but rather, peers who all have something to share and something to learn from one another. Talk to any MBA aspirant or a job seeker, he can very well tell the importance of a Group Discussion also called GD. You might choose to lead a group discussion, or you might find yourself drafted for the task. Learn more. Air concerns and differences among individuals or groups. Eye contact, agreement and body language are the best tools to win the favour of other participants and lead the discussion in the direction that you want. This is not meant to make you the expert, but rather to allow you to ask good questions that will help the group generate ideas. That’s not a discussion; it’s a lecture. A college class in human services approaches the topic of dealing with reluctant participants. “Suggestions for Leading Small-Group Discussions,” prepared by Lee Haugen, Center for Teaching Excellence, Iowa State University, 1998. This is a dangerous habit. In this last section of a chapter on group facilitation, we’ll examine what it takes to lead a discussion group well, and how you can go about doing it. Prepare a list of clear objectives for the discussion. There is a time to teach and a time to listen. a day or multiple days), summarize at regular intervals. Don’t attempt to do this yourself; delegate someone from the group to take minutes. Over 150+ Great Icebreakers Questions. The group's composition and the group discussion are carefully planned to create a nonthreatening environment in … Students have 30 seconds (or a more appropriate time for your particular class) to answer. If those are brought out in the open and discussed reasonably, the two sides often find that they have as much agreement as disagreement, and can resolve their differences by putting their ideas together. Set clear objectives. For most group discussions, the facilitator role is probably a good ideal to strive for. This encourages early participation and gets everyone involved. If the situation is particularly difficult, a directive leader might be needed to keep control of the discussion and make. The exception here is when someone has been chosen by her community or group to represent its point of view in a multi-sector discussion. In thi… http://t.co/S6RmpBXbyd, How to Lead a Discussion Group http://t.co/idjhn1hdGi via @6minutes, How to Lead a Discussion Group http://t.co/QikW2q5SoC #publicspeaking, How to Lead a Discussion Group http://t.co/6vQbnl9xoF, How to Lead a Discussion Group http://t.co/bKJdauptGg http://t.co/NwBMgetv6t, “How to Lead a Discussion Group” http://t.co/B5tSSTez8u, Cómo dirigir una discusión de grupo [en]: http://t.co/wtlLyhwb97 /de @6minutes #presentaciones. In some cases, the opportunity to lead a group discussion can arise on the spur of the moment; in others, it’s a more formal arrangement, planned and expected. Are you a directive or non-directive leader? If it doesn’t, you can essentially say, “That’s wrong, and I won’t allow that kind of talk here,” which may well put an end to the remarks, but isn’t likely to change anyone’s mind. (The exceptions are opinions or ideas that are discriminatory or downright false.) Group discussions are common in a democratic society, and, as a community builder, it’s more than likely that you have been and will continue to be involved in many of them. What Does Your Personal Brand Say About You as a Speaker. Several of the examples given at the beginning of the section – the group of parents concerned about their school system, for instance, or the college class – fall into this category, as do public hearings and similar gatherings. Even with a fixed day, a reminder a few days ahead can be useful, and knowing where the meeting is to be is very useful! This is especially true when the group is stuck, either because two opposing ideas or factions are at an impasse, or because no one is able or willing to say anything. Sometimes, you need to be flexible and consciously reschedule on the fly. Knowing how to lead effective group discussions is a vitally important skill for both the classroom teacher or corporate executive. Your contribution can help change lives. Lead a Group That Matters. In long discussions (e.g. If you have the luxury of choosing your space, you might look for someplace that’s comfortable and informal. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a8445a989c6856a32fc19885764a77e5" );document.getElementById("a11ec873fb").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); How to Lead a Discussion Group http://t.co/OboWzEjuMN via @6minutes, RT @MichaelHyatt: Some great tips: “How to Lead a Discussion Group” http://t.co/UcMlrKEQuc, How to Lead a Discussion Group – The first article in this series explained how to plan a group discussion. Instead, consider starting your session by brainstorming and letting the ideas flow without analysis and judgement. It's also important to spend some time in prayer before each group meeting. Exhibit genuine positive emotions, such as happiness, excitement, curiosity, optimism, surprise, and thoughtfulness. Techniques for Leading Group Discussions, Chapter 16. The methods used in a given command will depend upon the local situation as judged by the individual who takes the lead in the planning. Is sometimes simply the obvious, or even the only, way to proceed. If the recorder is a group member, the group and/or leader should come up with a strategy that allows her to participate fully in the discussion. Part of your job here is to protect “minority rights,” i.e., unpopular or unusual ideas. © 1994-2020 The University of Kansas. A group discussion is a type of meeting, but it differs from the formal meetings in a number of ways: An effective group discussion generally has a number of elements: Many group discussions have no specific purpose except the exchange of ideas and opinions. 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